Amazon PPC Agencies Helpful in 2022?

Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

If you’ve done your research, you know Amazon is the ideal place to grow your business.

For several years now, Amazon has been the go-to spot for online shopping, boasting a whopping expected 40% of all e-commerce sales in 2022 alone.

The advantages Amazon offers to businesses at any stage are clear but in order to actually succeed on the platform and stand out among the other 1.9 million active sellers, businesses need to tackle all the necessary components. Sellers must develop a targeted Amazon PPC strategy in order to even make it onto the screens of their potential buyers.

What is Amazon PPC?

Think of PPC, or Pay-per-click, as an auction.

Advertisers bid on the keywords they hope will be relevant to their customers. When customers search for products, the advertiser with the highest bids on relevant keywords wins the auction, securing their product advertisement in their chosen placement. 

What does Amazon PPC cost your business?

If your keyword wins and the customer clicks on your product, you pay Amazon your bid for the advertisement. You will not pay anything unless customers actually click on your product, even if your product appears in their search results.

You also will not pay any higher than one cent more than your competitors. For example, if you bid $2 on a relevant keyword, but your closest competitor only bid $1, you will owe Amazon $1.01 if customers click on your product. 

What are my options?

As a business, you’re faced with two options: curate an in-house team to handle all Amazon efforts, or outsource to an agency like Tiny Mammoth that specializes in helping businesses succeed on Amazon.

Before we explore which option is better for your business, let’s break down the differences between the two approaches. 


Through this route, your employees will cover all Amazon operations.

For some businesses, this means hiring new employees specifically tasked with monitoring different aspects of selling on Amazon: a marketer with e-commerce experience, a manager to monitor and update the supply chain, and so on.

Other businesses might avoid hiring new employees with Amazon experience if they can help it, and take the DIY method instead. They might seek out an Amazon PPC ads course or encourage their employees to obtain an Amazon PPC certification. 

The in-house option allows businesses to play the most active role in every sector of their brand, which can feel very fulfilling for some business leaders. Still, as businesses scale, this method can easily overwhelm employees who feel pulled in too many directions for their roles and expectations. 


Amazon PPC Agency

Agencies like Tiny Mammoth are filled with experts in Amazon success.

Some agencies only offer PPC support, while others include additional services, like brand registry or account management. At Tiny Mammoth, we serve our clients through every element of Amazon operations, which you can explore here.

Outsourcing work to an agency ensures two things: as a business, you can trust that you have Amazon PPC specialists guiding you through your e-commerce journey, and you can save your energy for the elements of business that bring you the most joy. 

With a good agency, you won’t be left in the dark when you hand over the Amazon reins. At Tiny Mammoth, we keep our clients updated through clear, consistent communication, and monthly newsletters highlighting important accomplishments and selling figures. 

Let’s explore the top factors that will shape your decision as you consider whether your business should partner with an agency:


There’s no hard and fast rule for which option will be the cheapest.

Depending on the size and scale of your business, you may find hiring an Amazon expert or two is enough. When you factor in salary, employee benefits, and the price of PPC keyword software, the costs add up.

Taking Amazon PPC courses to explore successful strategies can also be pricey, but there are some Amazon PPC blogs that serve as free resources for individuals eager to learn.

Outsourcing to an agency varies in price but saves you from worrying about those added expenses. Agencies come equipped with their own software and tools, plus the seasoned skills to use them most effectively and propel your business forward.

Most importantly, agencies save you the costs of endless trial and error. They have the experience to empower your business through trusted, effective approaches without a costly learning curve, and they consistently update their approaches to ensure your earnings don’t flatline or plummet. 

Time & Effort

Time and effort run hand in hand, as it will require both to succeed in e-commerce.

The in-house approach costs your business both. That’s not to say that time and effort will be wasted: learning the ins and outs of Amazon allows you to be hands-on in every aspect of your business. If you enjoy having direct involvement in all areas of your brand, you’ll enjoy the process that comes with monitoring your own Amazon campaigns and performance. 

As your business grows, you may start to feel stretched thin.

Partnering with an agency like Tiny Mammoth lets you save your energy for what you enjoy most. Agencies are experts who specialize and excel in specific components, like advertising.

This unique approach means you get Amazon superstars growing your brand without the added time and effort of becoming an Amazon PPC expert yourself. 

Bottom Line

For smaller brands with some Amazon or e-commerce experience, building an in-house team can be fulfilling and effective.

For growing businesses that want to focus on what they love most, or brands that have no e-commerce experience and want expert guidance, partnering with an agency like Tiny Mammoth can save you money, time, and effort. 

Reach out to us today for a free consultation if you’re ready to explore how our agency can help you grow to your fullest Amazon potential. 

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